If you’ve found a lost pet, it’s important to follow both legal AND ethical steps to try and reunite the pet with its rightful owner.
VERY IMPORTANT TIP! WITHHOLD SOMETHING THAT IDENTIFIES THIS FOUND ANIMAL FROM YOUR NARRIATIVE AND PHOTOS (Whether it be the sex of the dog, collar / harness color (black them out), unique identifier (missing a leg, missing an eye, neutered or similar) this gives a RIGHTFUL OWNER something they can immediately identify their dog with and will ultimately protect YOU, the finder to ensure you don’t accidentally give the pet to a wrongful claimant. ALWAYS REQUIRE PHOTOS / PROOF OF OWNERSHIP BEFORE HANDING OVER A PET. You would hate to be responsible and liable for giving away someone’s lost pet to the wrong person.
You may complete our Found Animal / Stray Form on our website and we will do our best to assist you.
Here are some of the steps you should take to initiate a hopeful happy reunification:
1. Check for Identification
- Collar and Tags: Look for any identification tags or a collar with contact information such as a phone number.
- Microchip Scan: Take the pet to any local vet that has a universal microchip scanner (or animal shelter) to check for a microchip. Microchips are a common method for identifying lost pets that may not have a collar on for identification. After the vets office scans, if there is a chip: they may provide you the chip number and phone number to call the see if pet’s is registered. There are numerous websites to investigate microchip registration. Keep in mind, not all chips will be registered with the company of which they are manufactured by! Check other sites that offer free registration such as; 24PetWatch or AAHA.
SAVE A BOW WOW Rescue will scan for microchips for FREE as volunteer staff is available in the Whittier area. Please feel free to reach out to ascertain more information.
2. Notify Local Shelter
- Animal Control or Local Shelters: Contact your local animal control office or animal shelter to report the found pet. Some regions require you to notify animal control within a specific timeframe to legally claim a lost pet.
3. Post on Online Platforms
- Lost and Found Pet Websites: Post information about the found pet on websites like Petfinder, PawBoost, or local community pages. Include a clear description and photos of the pet.
- Social Media: Post on local Facebook groups or neighborhood apps like Nextdoor to alert the community. Include detailed information about the pet’s location and description.
Suggestions: Pawboost (this one is critical!),, Ring, Nextdoor, Flyers at vets office(s) and more!
4. Search for “Old Fashioned” Flyers or Notices
- Post Found Pet Notices: Look for flyers or social media posts of missing pets. If you find any that match, contact the owner.
- Put Up Flyers: If you can’t find any existing lost pet notices, consider putting up flyers in your area or near where you found the pet.
5. Wait for the Owner to Respond
- Give the owner some time to claim the pet. Keep the pet safe and well cared for while you wait. If you’re unable to keep the pet for an extended period, contact your local shelter for temporary care.
6. Involve a Veterinarian if Needed
- If you’re unsure about the pet’s health or if it’s injured, take it to a vet for an examination. A vet can also check for microchips and provide care.
- If injured, it is critical the dog gets to an appropriate shelter to receive care. Some shelters will refer you to a contracted vet if the case is critical.
7. Follow Local Laws
- Many places have “lost property” laws, meaning that after a certain period (usually a few days to a few weeks), if the owner doesn’t claim the pet, the finder may legally adopt the pet. Check local laws to ensure you follow the right procedure.
By following these steps, you can help ensure that the lost pet is returned to its owner, or that it is placed in a safe environment until the owner is located.