About Us

Save A Bow Wow Rescue was founded in August 2009 by Mandy. She had just purchased her first home and of course, the first thing she did was research what dog would be best for her specific lifestyle. All personality tests and living environment revealed the best match was a French Bulldog. In 2009, FBDs were very limited and hard to come across. She would check the OC Animal Shelters website every hour on the hour (not exaggerating), and refresh the shelters page to see what animals were surrendered or newly impounded. One day, on her lunch break at work, she refreshed the shelters website and… there she was— “Lola”!

Lola had been adopted previously from the shelter. She was certainly no French Bulldog, but she was a small “mutt” with big ears. Mandy instantly knew Lola was “the one”. She called the shelter and ascertained more information. At which time she learned that Lola was RETURNED FOR A REFUND. She sat on the other end of the phone in disbelief that someone would adopt a dog from the pound and only two short days later return her for a refund because Lola “was not house trained, and she barked too much”. Mandy drove down to the shelter immediately, walked through the shelters outdoor kennels and saw her for the first time. Lolas sweet little face, barking her head off. Atop her kennel door it said in huge letters “RETURNED”. Immediately, Mandy went to the front office to pay for Lolas adoption fee. A shelter volunteer walked by Mandy and said “Oh are you really going to adopt the brat?” She couldn’t believe Lola had already earned herself the nickname brat.

Lola walked out of the shelter with Mandy, hopped in her car and away they went. Mind you, Mandy is on her lunch break so… back to work on a Friday afternoon with a newly rescued dog in tow. Into the office Lola went, and it was history from there. Lola with mild training became “the best dog in the world” if you ask Mandy to describe her… Lola’s rescue lit a fire in Mandys soul.

Knowing there are so many dogs out there that are incredible companions and needing a second chance at life (like her Lola), Mandy set out to make a difference. She started volunteering for another rescue organization and quickly realized that she did not like how that specific group was being run. Here’s why: foster parents get to know their foster dog much more than a rescue founder ever could. The animal lives in the fosters home, (usually) sleeps in the human bed, and lives as a member of the family up until the day of placement. So in Mandys case, her input provided to this other rescue group about her foster dog’s personality, traits, ideal suitable home etc. was not taken into consideration. Her foster dog(s) were placed by this other organization with zero input (mind you one of her foster dogs she had for 9 months for this group with zero interest). Seeing that her foster dog was placed without any valuable input about the dogs specific needs, wants, energy levels etc. made Mandy realize that change needs to be made in the rescue community.

She set out to start an animal rescue that was volunteer emphasized. Where adoptions weigh heavily on the foster homes recommendation(s). Thus, instilling the value of the rescues volunteer and foster database is the core of a rescue organization.

Mandy never wanted an animal to be “returned for a refund” again. So when Mandy started Save A Bow Wow Rescue, she made sure every animal was microchipped to the rescue (adopters able to be emergency contact additionally) but the rescues name and contact information remains on our adopted dogs microchips for life. Ensuring every pet SABW Rescue has ever saved, would always have a safe ticket home in the event of displacement. Since 2009-current, we can count on one hand the amount of dogs that have made their way back into our safety net. The emphasis of this rescue relies on doing the adoption(s) right the first time and the dog won’t ever need us again.

Sadly, Mandy lost her beloved Lola in early 2022. Lolas loss forever changed her; and this small rescue quickly expanded. On June 26, 2023 Save A Bow Wow Rescue became a legal nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)3 and is also registered as a 509(a)2 public charity.

We have some incredible volunteers and foster parents on our team. Although we have expanded to a public charity / nonprofit organization, we are still focused on our initial principle of “find quality homes over saving pets in quantity”. So to reiterate, we believe if an adoption is done right the first time, the dog will never need re-saving; but if they do, we will always be here.

Our story certainly has more to come…… stay tuned. Were just getting started!


Lola’s DNA testing revealed she was;

25% Bulldog(standard), 25%Pomeranian, 12.5% Boston Terrier, 12.5% French Bulldog, 12.5% Pug and remaining 12.5% in these groups: Sporting, Terrier, Herding, Companion